Collaborations as a composer and sound designer:

2021 — Chrysalis
Célia Rorive, performance, Belgium
2020 — MythWoman en confinement
Cie Arts Nomades, podcasts, Belgium.
2018 — Y'a d'la Joie
Cie Arts Nomades, performance / traveling installation, Belgium.
2016 — Agence des Mythologies Parallèles : Arachné, Europe, Antigone
Cie Arts Nomades, object theater - Belgium.
2015 — Noodle Brain
Cie Arts Nomades, performance / traveling installation, Belgium.
2014 — Performance on the theme of light housing
Cie Arts Nomades, light housing forum
Ferme du Biéreau, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium.
Performance choral reading
Cie Arts Nomades, Salon des Auteurs
Abbey of Villers-la-Ville, Belgium.
Où se cache la Barbe Bleue?
Cie Arts Nomades, object theater - Belgium.
2011 — Gemini
Manah Depauw & Jen Debauche,
Margarita Production, short film, Belgium.


(Chrysalis - Belgium).

(Chrysalis - Belgium).

(Chrysalis - Belgium).

(Agence des Mythologies Parallèles : Arachné, Europe, Antigone - Belgium).

(Performance choral reading - Abbey of Villers-la-Ville, Belgium).

(Y'a d'la Joie - Belgium).